Sunday 10 May 2015


Putrajaya, 10 May 2015 - Malaysians from various parts of Klang Valley gathered at
Perbadanan Putrajaya to pledge their support in adopting a healthy breakfast habit
and an active lifestyle during the third Malaysia Breakfast Day for 2015, organized by

This year, MILO® expanded the Malaysia Breakfast Day to lpoh, Kuching, and
Putrajaya to drive actions among more Malaysians to incorporate healthy breakfast
habits and active lifestyles in their daily lives. Putrajaya was the third city to host the
nation's largest breakfast gathering after lpoh on 12 April and Kuching on 26 April.

According to Alois Hofbauer, Region Head of Nestle Malaysia and Singapore,
"Malaysia Breakfast Day is a platform under MILO®'S Breakfast Movement to drive
action among families in making the right nutritional decision each morning'
Expanding our outreach beyond Klang Valley is the next right move as we hope that
more Malaysians within the region will support healthy breakfast habits and good
nutrition movement with their families and friends."

Citizens assembled early in the morning to enjoy a nutritious cup of MILO® and a
wholesome breakfast, before getting ready for the 7KM and 3KM run. Those who did
not run enjoyed the fun and exciting games at the MILO® Challenge Circuit and
stage performances. Families also had a pleasant bonding experience participating
in telematch activities.

"We have always placed a great importance towards educating the public on positive
and healthy habits, in line with the Government's efforts to improve their health and
wellbeing. MILO®'s effort to promote healthy breakfast values through its breakfast
movement is a cause that resonated well with us and we ale happy to offer our
support," commented Y.Bhg. Datuk Muhammad Haitamin Bin lshak, Senior Vice
President (City Services), Perbadanan Putrajaya.

MILO®'S nutritionist was also present at the Wellness Zone to offer information
relating to appropriate breakfast nutrition and the right ratio of nutrients needed in the
morning to address their children and families' daily requirements.

"Skipping breakfast deprives children of energy needed to stay focused and alert'
Children grow while sleeping and lose 80% of their energy reserves when they wake
up; which is why, they must have nutritious breakfast to recharge for the day,"
commented Cher Siew Wei, Nestle's Corporate Wellness Manager'

"We are thankful to the attendees for their support towards the MILO® Breakfast
Movement. As an advocator of healthy living, MILO® believes that Malaysians can
adopt an improved view on healthy living and start practicing towards a healthier
eating nation" added Philomena Tan, Business Executive Director of MILO®
Business Unit in Nestle.

MILO® hopes that the Malaysia Breakfast Day will continue to receive positive
responses in the future. "Malaysia Breakfast Day is bigger than just being a large
breakfast gathering. lt is a call to action for Malaysians to have MILO® with breakfast
wherever they are and be a MILO® breakfast advocator with us."

To be a part of the breakfast movement, Malaysians are encouraged to hashtag
#mbd2015 when they are having breakfast no matter where they are.

For more information on Malaysia Breakfast

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